International Poster Prize

International Poster Prize 2024

Poster submission guidelines – Deadline: 30 August  2024

To submit a proposal for a poster, the corresponding author is asked to provide the following information:

  • Title of the proposed poster concise, 15 words maximum in sentence case (not in capital or lower case letters only). Please use only recognizable abbreviations.
  • Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) Affiliation details must be included correctly, respecting the following format: Degree (BSc, MSc, MD, PhD). Department. Institution. Country. (Please separate with dots, not with comas or hyphens). Example: PhD student. Mind, brain and Behaviour Centre. University of Granada. Spain.

Abstract of the proposed poster: a concise and clear description of goals, methods, results, and conclusions (with a maximum of 2500 caracters including spaces).

All abstracts shall be submitted through the online form on the congress website, according to the above-mentioned criteria.

All Abstracts must be submitted in English. The corresponding authors must not be affiliate in France.

If you encounter any difficulties during the submission process or for further information regarding abstract submission via website, please contact Nathalie ISABELLE by mail : [email protected]

Complete the Poster Proposal Form thoroughly.

You can access the Poster Proposal Form here.

IMPORTANT: Once you have sent your abstract via website, check that you have received a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive the confirmation, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]

The top five shortlisted applicants will be asked to make an oral presentation in English or in French during the French Congress of Psychiatry in Lyon, France

A special prize will be awarded to the best oral presentation (free registration, transportation and 3 nights in an Hotel to CFP 2024 in Rennes, France).

Deadline for submission : 30 August  2024

Submit your Poster => Here

The decision on acceptance and the preliminary programme will be made by the scientific committee during their meeting in September 2024. Final acceptance and publication on conference materials depends on registration for the conference by one of the authors.

Phygital Presentation :

1 – On site in Rennes • Couvent des Jacobins – A printed Poster Exhibition Area will be arranged from the first day of the congress.

Poster dimensions must be : 118,9 cm (46,8 inch) tall x 84,1 cm (33,1 inch) wide. These specifications shall be followed carefully.

Posters Walk will be organized during the breaks.

2 – On-line e-CFP2024 – A Virtual Poster Area on the e-CFP Website will be open from from 27 November 2024 till 28 March 2025.

After you have been given the link for poster upload, please follow the instruction given below to prepare your electronic poster:
Accepted file format for submission: .PDF
We recommend traditional vertical format (A4).
File size: we suggest max 20 MB

Please consider that the file will be opened with a viewer that fits the scale of the display screen, independently from the screen dimension you have chosen. Therefore, the format is most important than the absolute measure. Different sizes will be anyway visualised, but they cannot appear to fit with the entire display monitor.
The maximum allowed size is 2.160 pixels x 3.840, with a minimum resolution of 72 dpi. The upload is limited to files having 20 Mb maximum, excluding the video files (we suggest A4 format).
One-page posters are the simplest option, but consider that a multipage file is supported. In this case, it is recommended to limit your poster to no more than 3-4 pages.

Audio comment – MP3 File

Accepted file format for submission: .MP3
Duration: 1-2 min
File size: Max 10 MB

In addition to the poster file, during submission, you can also attach your audio comment. We suggest 1 or 2 minutes speech max. A headset will be available to hear your audio comment on-site during free-time slots.

The maximum size for audio files to be uploaded is 10 Mb.